Liv's Freshman Year Experience

Liv's Freshman Year Experience

Hi! My name is Liv Alfano and I’m a sophomore at USC Annenberg with a major in Communication. I also have two minors in the Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences: Spanish and Practical Politics. I am originally from a small town in Connecticut. My older brother Nick attended USC from 2015-2019; he graduated the spring before I started. I think that Nick’s experience at USC Annenberg is one of the major reasons I decided to attend. USC was the only school out West that I applied to, and I really did not have much intention to come out to California. However, my brother was continuously given unbelievable opportunities because of his involvement in Annenberg. I knew that the big campus’ spirited, diverse community, within a major bustling city, was exactly what I wanted, and Annenberg was the icing on that cake.

I went to a very small high school in Connecticut where I received a lot of individualized attention and help from faculty whenever I needed it. The faculty truly cared about the students and I knew I would miss these types of faculty-student relationships in college. I was able to find this individualized attention at Annenberg, while also attending a big school in a super fun city. I tried to immerse myself in as many activities as I could during my freshman year on campus, and now I’m so glad that I did. I joined the Annenberg Ambassador team during the first semester of my freshman year and began participating in admissions events with a great group of students. Joining the ambassador program was such a great way to meet students that I don’t think I would have otherwise met.

Second semester, I joined the Annenberg Admissions office as an intern. I think this has been one of my most fulfilling roles so far at USC because of the relationships I’ve built with the admissions staff and the other student interns. Even on zoom, I have so much fun with the group as we reminisce on our times from when we were meeting in person. Twice a week I went into the admissions office to assist with any tasks that the admissions officers needed. I helped send mailings to prospective and accepted students, fielded inquiries from prospective students and helped with admissions events. I loved working in the office and working with the other students on my shift with whom I formed great relationships.

I also volunteered in the Annenberg Media Center during both semesters of my freshman year as a multimedia journalist for the Annenberg T.V. Network, ATVN. During my weekly four-hour shift I would help wherever the production team needed. My responsibilities ranged from calling people to interview, filming and conducting interviews, editing my film, and writing scripts for the anchors. I learned so many valuable skills about working in a newsroom, and I adapted to the fast-paced environment where production plans can change on a dime.

In the spring of last year, I joined the Annenberg Women’s Leadership Society, a group of women dedicated to female focus and empowerment. The group hears from selected speakers who are successful women in the media industry who have been innovative and groundbreaking in their fields. The organization aims to build one another up while collaborating and networking with accomplished women.

I think some of the most valuable advice I can give to incoming freshmen is to try anything and everything in which you think you may be even remotely interested! You can always drop commitments if they become overwhelming, but at the beginning of each semester, there is only a short window in which you can sign up for shifts and join/apply to clubs. You have a lot more free time in college than any of us did in high school and once the year picks up there is a lot of time to participate in extracurriculars – including clubs, jobs and any other organizations. Annenberg is the perfect place to try everything and then decide what you like to do and want to continue. Take advantage of every opportunity at this amazing school!

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